The Immensity of Sky

A rough outline of a the pantheon I'll be using for a LotFP hack of +Kevin Crawford's Spears of Dawn. It'll be further fleshed out as the weeks go by and players start needing more info on the religion they're involved in.

It is assumed that the details of worship vary hugely from kingdom to kingdom, from village to village, so we can only talk in generalities and may cheerily change it as we please.

A wealthy urban dibia (priest) performing her craft

The Immensity of Sky 

The creator, source of the world, father of earth, mother of stars, the point of departure and conclusion, the origin and the end. It is a disinterested god and those wishing to honour him have had to go through intermediaries who are not so distant from humanity so as to be unreachable. Traditionally it hasn't been worshipped directly but a dedicated cult have achieved popularity in recent years.

Major aspects:


Earth goddess, literally the earth we stand on.

Mapenzi, Will of the people, Who Brings the Thunder

The free will of the people. God of thunder and lightning. Popular in times of war, worship of this deity has ensured the people of the Yellow Lands their reputation of being indomitable in the face of foreign control. Though they may inflict the most horrendous aspects of war upon each other they are all of the People and those not of the People will not stand over them.

Bara-Ondi, Eye of the Sun

Lives in the sun, the eye of the Sky, the eye of eyes. Seen as being the perfect example of what a human can be, perfect in every way.

An unrelated gentleman standing guard

Roog, Husband of A'ard, The Rainkeeper

Primary fertility god, responsible for the harvest as he brings rain to his wife, A'ard.

Lesser aspects:

Qadhi, He Who Felled the First Tree

God of healing and death. Nomads of the Ekidna desert worship him exclusively and have a far more fundamental and nihilistic attitude, befitting those committed to watching the Dead City. For the more typical dibia, Qadhi is merely the embodiment of The End and not quite so fatalistic.

Ndogo, Guardian of Yams

In some kingdoms there is a tradition of young children being sent from their homes and dedicated to the service of this deity. They take the name of Ndogo and till the fields. As adults such children are expected to become prosperous yam farmers, one of the few routes into nobility. As such many poor parents are eager to have their children chosen for this honour.

Baba Zetu, All our Fathers

The amalgamation of every ancestor spirit. People have a very personal relation to this deity and will often talk to it for months after the loss of a close loved one. These conversations won't be exclusively in a ritual context, indeed it's common to see a bereaved husband talking happily to his dead wife while performing his chores.

Place of Strength

A personal god. Usually depicted with a wooden statue in the home and worshipped by the family in times of struggle or industrial endeavour.

The Old Leech

God of chaos and upheaval. People pray to him when bargaining as he is said to guarantee success in conflict. Typically worshipped in war times and banished in peace to avoid his presence causing bloodshed.


Parassik, The Night Serpent, The Tree of Tricksters, The Watcher at the Threshold

The Trickster deals misfortune to those that do not offer adequate tribute to the gods. Regarded as the divine messenger, master of languages, The Tree of Tricksters is responsible for carrying messages and sacrifices from humans to the Sky. Lurks at gateways, on the paths and at the crossroads, where he introduces chance and accident into the lives of humans. Has a great variety of names.

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